March 7, 2010

I'm backwards.

Hi folks, I don't have a picture to post today but please note the change in my self portrait.  I had a couple people tell me it was good but....    finally my hubby pointed out that it was a mirror image and backward to how people see me.  So I smudged the signature and reversed the image on my profile.  I guess it's better but i still picture myself backwards.  I wonder if that's where some of my problems come for thought. lol
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  1. I am totally shocked by this shocking news - thankfully you had an expert to 'turn this situation around!' Still - a great portrait!

  2. Wow -- that's it. I had noticed that the self-portrait looked... well, it looked like someone who looked like you, but not like you, do you know what I mean? Once you reversed it, suddenly it became "you". I once changed the side I parted my hair on when I discovered this disparity between how I see myself and how others see me. But it was too weird so I changed it back. How perceptive of Uncle Hugh to see what the problem was!

  3. My problems come more from food... Too much of it!

  4. It makes sense though that a "self-portrait" is one that shows the artist as they see themselves. How many masters in the past have done self-portraits? Maybe we have to look at them in a mirror to see what they really looked like to their friends and family. :-)
