September 6, 2010

I can do it.... I can do it...

I mentioned in my last post that I doubted I'd I finish my boy and pigeon painting by the weekend and my great blogging friends rallied and sent me lots of encouraging comments.  What an inspiration this blog has become for me. I recommend blogging as the single best way to help any artist to stay motivated.

 I'm still doubtful I can complete the painting, but I'll give it a shot.  With that in mind, I'll keep this post short and go paint.

Here's my painting so far:


  1. Take your time and enjoy the process of painting!
    Well done so far!

  2. Yes enjoy this one we can all wait for it it looks like it is going to be a real winner.

  3. I am enjoying the progress as much as you are enjoying the process:-), needless to say, it is evolving beautifully.
