September 9, 2010

No painting today BUT...

Hi friends, as the title says, there was no time to paint today.  I did get set up for Art Walk though.  I was especially pleased to get assigned a wall area so I could plug in some lights to shine on my work.  If you're in the middle of one of the gyms, like I was last year, you have no power and have to use battery powered lights or go without. 

You might have noticed the word BUT in my title?  The But is very exciting news.  My painting: Peaceful Place, sold at the Little Straw Winery.  YES!!!


  1. Congratulations on the sale, I bet you are excited, I know I still get a buzz when I sell a painting! Well done.

  2. Congratulations Bonnie! That's awesome news. It is such a lovely painting and the title says it all...........

  3. Enjoy the fruits of your labor! Congratulations on your successes - all well deserved. Keep it up.

  4. congratulations on the sale of this 'peaceful place'. I love this place! We will see you this weekend.

  5. congrats!!!!! looking forward to the coming photos!

  6. Hi, Bonnie~~!!
    Congrats, congrats, tons of congrats!! Hope this will be the beginning of many.
    Best wishes, Sadami

  7. Well done Bonnie - it's a beautiful piece. Wishing you success on the Art Walk!

  8. Hi! It was so great to see you at ArtWalk yesterday, and to see the progress you've been making over the years and how you're continuously branching out into new styles! Yeah for you! And congrats on selling that painting- that's fabulous!!
