July 31, 2010

Time to enter the physical world.

This past year was my year to experiment and have fun. I consider Art Shows a lot of fun but I'm talking about my painting. I'd been painting landscapes for a couple years but this past year I tried portraits, abstracts and figurative. I also worked at creating a better web presence.  What a rewarding year it has been.  

The year is almost over and it's time to start displaying my art again.  My experiments mostly turned out and I'm ready to put some of them out in the physical world.  I've developed lots more confidence due to the wonderful comments made on my blog since January.  Thanks everyone.

I have three shows confirmed and two pending.  All but one is/was juried.  I'd love to enter more juried competitions but they are hard on the budget especially if shipping is involved.  So for now I'm excited about the ones I have been accepted in.

Tomorrow will bring some refusals and more opportunities I'm sure, but for today I will happily prepare the thirteen paintings that go on display in City Hall on Tuesday.  I leave on my trip right afterwards.


  1. Congratulations, Bonnie.............hope everything goes wonderfully for you.

  2. What a fabulous way to start out your trip! I suspect your art will simply continue to grow, Bonnie...your work is really lovely!

  3. this sounds really fantastic! much success to you!

  4. I hope all goes well I love your art and I so look forward to your blog. I do not always comment but I do always read. Thanks again and also for your ongoing support on my blog

  5. Dear Bonnie,
    Congratulations!! My dear artist friend gave me this say, "Rejection means you are one step closer to your goal." Show us your wonderful work more and more.
    Kind regards,

  6. Rewards well deserved...all my best to you. Wishing you a safe and joyous trip.
