May 4, 2011

The Big Painting

I was going to save this painting for an unveiling at our famous Artwalk in September BUT it's such a big project that I have very little left to show on my blog even though I'm painting on most days.  SO... I executed my female right and changed my mind and decided to show it as it develops.

This painting is six feet high and four feet wide.  It is composed of twenty-four twelve inch square panels and I try to complete four panels a month.  I have a choice:  hundreds of leaves or lots of boards.  I am enjoying watching the scene develop but I need to switch to other paintings to keep from getting bored.  Have I mentioned I like change? :)

Sorry the picture is a bit out of shape but I'm not tall enough to take a proper picture of it spread out on the floor.  

I hope you have a great day.


  1. wow Bonnie what a project from what I can see it looks stunning.

  2. That's a huge undertaking, Bonnie. Looks like you are well on your way though.

  3. Bonnie, this is looking extraordinarily lovely and oh so spring fresh! I can't wait to see more!! Glad you can interject a new piece in between panels to keep your excitement for this piece up too. I am pretty sure I'd be the same way. (Were I ever to attempt such a project! I mean I am like that just working on one small painting!)

  4. You are branching out this year - that takes courage and preserverance. Great job! It's coming together beautifully.

  5. Wow Bonnie! So happy you decided to give us a preview and allow us to watch this undertaking! Wow!

    What will develop on the blank panels?!! Such fun!

  6. I love the mysterious side of you - just a peek and a lot left to our imagination. I'm sure it will be stunning at Art Walk.

  7. Thanks everyone! With all this encouragement I might even finish early.
