April 29, 2011

JanettMarie Did It!

JanettMarie just finished posting her ONE HUNDREDTH apple painting.  Now it's time to party and to congratulate her on this huge accomplishment and her Great BIG apple.

We've been planning a virtual party for her and now we can all attend.  (Just read my last post for information).  Even if you can't bring a dish for the virtual potluck, come on over to her site and join the fun... and leave her a message. See you there.

 This cake was filled with cherries, not apple, since I can't eat cooked apple.  We are having a great time eating it and toasting JanettMarie.


  1. come on over and dance to the music!!!!! more food is coming later!

  2. Oh Bonnie! You shouldn't have... this is scrumptious!
    I love chocolate. Some one tonight suggested that my next subject be ..... are you ready..... yes, cherries! And you made the cake filled with cherries, I love it!
    Life is good, this is so much fun..... really I gotta sleep!

  3. Delightful looking cake and now? I want cake!!
