January 23, 2012

Drawing practice...

I mentioned before that I've resumed my lessons on drawing.  It's a struggle.  Sometimes I think my perception is just plain out of whack.  I notice this all the time in my painting whenever I use a grid to check.  There is always one line that just doesn't line up like I thought it would.  Sigh...

They say practice makes perfect but sometimes I have my doubts.  In the meantime, I'm working on a self portrait... I didn't want to draw someone else because the final drawing would probably hurt their feelings.  I will keep drawing a few times a week but the most of my time will be spent putting paint to canvas and enjoying this wonderful life. Have a great day, everyone.

Self portrait practice
a long way from being finished


  1. Keep going you are doing great shading!

  2. There's definitely something "you" in that!

  3. Le dessin est pour moi une base important de mon travail.
    Il est important de dessiner régulièrement, tout comme le pianiste qui fait ses gammes...
    gros bisous

  4. Oh Bonnie! You are better than you think you are! Really, you are very talented!
    Be nice to yourself and by all means.... keep painting and drawing!

  5. I can't tell you how your thoughts and words resonate with me. Still, your self-portrait is coming along beautifully! All my lines are out of whack and I've been "practicing" since I was about 4 years old (so 48 years now). I really do not believe I draw any differently now than I did when I was 4. Sigh...

  6. Bonnie, you're doing a beautiful job on this painting!! Love it.
