November 8, 2011

Lots of Pansies

The "Under 100 Show" is fast approaching.  I hoped to have eight pansies available but seven will have to do.  I love seeing them all laid out together...they look so colourful.  In my photo you will notice a pair of Red Shoes.  They are in honour of Myra and her "Red Shoe Day" series of paintings.  Go look at her blog and enjoy her amazing imagination and her colourful chairs.

PS.  I know I said seven pansies.  One of the above is a gift to a Special Niece who has shown exceptional courage in the past year.


  1. beautiful pansies! and, thank you bonnie!! one of my favorite series is my 'bonnie at the beach' series!! I have been thinking about THAT lately!! your pansies look like a beautiful garden!

  2. hey bonnie . . . why can't you drink coffee anymore? maybe I will have to take another look at tea just for you. what do you think? maybe we can get a 'tea party' going!

  3. hey bonnie! post this if you want to! since you are a baker - how about baking some cupcakes, take some photos and let's paint them! think about it!

  4. Your pansies are wonderful!! Great colour. Really neat to see them all lined up together. Great idea to do a series.

  5. You did an amazing job on all of these pansies, Bonnie. They are all so colorful and will be a hit at the show. As far as Myra...I have always loved her work.!!

  6. Des pensées toujours merveilleuses et qui créditent bien aussi votre caractère... Ne jamais oublier les autres...
    Gros bisous et merci de nous faire partager votre travail.

  7. Virtual hugs to your niece, Bonnie. I hope things are looking up for her. The pansies look awesome together!

  8. Beautiful work Bonnie. Gifting one shows us the beauty of your soul. Blessings to you.

  9. Pansies are my favourite flowers, I love their sweet faces, these are a beautiful collection and look lovely all together.
