October 3, 2011

It's a good time to paint flowers.

The fall rains have come to the Okanagan Valley.  By this time of year we're usually quite happy here to have the hills and trees watered.  I love our desert climate but not to the point where everything is on the verge of becoming a wild fire.  That said, I'll spend my time painting indoors and praise God for the rain.

I finished another pansy.  This one is those little ones I call johnny-jump-ups.  Aren't they cute!?

My VIP mention for today isn't a specific artist but a really interesting blog about art/artists.  It's called Making a Mark.  Go visit them.


  1. J'aime particulièrement chez ces petites pensées le contraste de couleurs avec les pétales...
    Une très belle peinture, tout en légèreté et fraîcheur...
    Je me réjouis que la pluie vienne arroser vos terres.
    gros bisous et bonne peinture.

  2. Love this one, Bonnie. I think it is my favorite of all your pansies to date. Love how you've put your signature into that piece of wood too. I personally love the rain, the darker days....yummy!

  3. yes that pansy is VERY cute! beautiful painting!

  4. this painting is beautiful.
    i really love it.
    the colors are awesome.

  5. Love the beautiful colors in this pansy.!! Great job, Bonnie!!
