March 15, 2011

It's been a week since I posted but I have an excellent excuse; I was busy celebrating my birthday and my anniversary.  Somehow, between friends visiting, going to RV shows, shopping for my birthday gift (unfortunately not an RV) and eating way too much, I didn't accomplish anything art related.

Now the vacation is over and I'm back at it. Mostly I'm working on my 4'x6' composite painting.  I've decided not to post pictures of my progress so that I can have an unveiling someplace special when it's done. I'm working on panel #5 today... 19 to go..sigh.

 I made a slideshow of several photos to paint someday and we have it playing on the TV like a screen saver.  When I see the pictures I can hardly wait to finish what I'm doing in order paint the next one...  maybe I should stop watching and give my full attention to the three I'm working on.

Mary Sheehan Winn asked me to show the colour charts I've been working on for the Mastering Color course.  I only do one page a week so progress is slow but here's what I've do so far.


  1. Well Bonnie, congratulations on both the birthday and anniversary. Can't wait to see those wonderful new paintings, too.

  2. Happy Birthday Bonnie! Happy Anniversary Bonnie! Welcome back!
    The 24 panel project sounds like it's progressing along nicely! Can hardly wait!

  3. Un gros bisou pour votre anniversaire Bonnie. Je me réjouis de voir prochainement votre prochaine toile...

  4. Happy belated birthday and anniversary, Bonnie! Love these color charts. I am drawn to them every time I see them on a blog (I think it is Annelein Beaukamp that has one on her sidebar and it always leaves me awed.

  5. Belated Happy Birthday and Happy anniversary.
    I love your color charts.
    I have been so busy creating my books, I haven't been painting but you are inspiring me.
